Trusted sellers only.

BAS World only lists vehicles from Trusted Sellers. These sellers go through an extensive approval process before they are allowed to list any vehicles on the BAS World platform. The approval process doesn't only look at th reputation and service standards of a potential seller, but also at the financial stabilitit of a potential seller.

These trusted sellers advertise their vehicle as fair and accurate as possible – so you can rest assured you’re buying from a professional and bonafide seller. Promised.


Verified specifications & conditions

BAS World checks all vehicle listings before these vehicle listings are published on BAS World - to make sure that specifications are correct and complete. This enables a buyer to get all the information he or she needs to decide whether a vehicle meet the his/her buying criteria to avoid any unpleasant surprises when pickup up or taking delivery of your vehicle.

Vehicles listed on BAS World also contain information and photos about the actual condition of a vehicle, which is of course essential information when buying a used truck. Distance buyers will get a better impression of the true state of a vehicle - which makes the decision to buy a lot easier - allowing buyers to buy with confidence!


Secure Payment (coming soon)

If you are buying from an international client, you want to avoid any risk of disappointment or financial loss. That’s why BAS World offers a Secure Payment solution that also includes a delivery guarantee.

How does that work? Simple: the buyer transfers his money to the BAS World escrow account and BAS World holds onto the money until you have picked up the vehicle, or until the vehicle has been picked up by an authorized shipping company.


Delivery Guarantee (coming soon)

If you buy through BAS World SecureBuy, you’ll be covered by our delivery guarantee automatically.

We'll guarantee the delivered vehicle conforms with the advertised: VIN, first date of registration, axle configuration, euro norm, gearbox, suspension type and retarder (if present).


Document assurance (coming soon)

If you buy through BAS World Secure Pay, the seller will have to send the full, original documentation to BAS World for inspection by our paperwork specialists.

BAS World will confirm whether the documentation supplied by the seller is complete (in line with this list) and whether the documents are original documents and send the documents to the buyer afterthe transaction has been completed.


Shipping assistant

The BAS World shipping specialists will be able to offer you a full-service shipping solution to any destination in the world; You simply find a vehicle to buy and our shipping specialists will deliver the vehicle to you business!

Questions about importing a vehicles? The BAS World service desk can help you with the procedure of importing/registering a vehicle in a different country to make the importing process process as smooth as possible.


BAS World communication centre.

BAS World keeps communication as simple a possible by introducing the BAS World communication centre - where all you comunications with sellers are organised in 1 dashboard.

Communicate quickly and efficiently with sellers using the chat feature whilst keeping a record of all agreements you make with a seller for future reference.


Translation tool.

Have you found the right vehicle but can’t speak the seller’s language or make yourself clear in the seller's preferred language? Not a problem: BAS World chat allows you to translate incoming and outgoing messages from any language into any language automatically – so you can ask questions or negotiate with all sellers around the world.


BAS World service desk.

BAS World likes to make the process of buying a truck online as easy and smooth as possible - and to tackle any issues as quickly as possible for our clients. Thats' why we have created the BAS World service desk – Which is a team of dedicated experts that will help buying with any issue they may encounter in the process of buying a truck. No response from seller? We’ll get in touch. Questions about specifications? We’ll make sure you get the right information and buy with confidence.